Become An Angel

Donations are 501c3 and tax deductible.

  • Supernova Angels

    Your 10K or more will give wings to:

    One “Open Your Voice” outreach program for under-voiced peoples and communities and one documentary short film of the "Stories Behind The Song". You will be credited as Executive Producer of one of the songs in the CD liner notes!

  • Shining Star Angels

    Your 5K will give wings to:

    The complete recording, mixing and mastering of one of the sonically exquisite songs of Sanctuary!

  • Rockstar Angels

    Your 1K will give wings to:

    One mini outreach program for the empowerment and authentic expression of peoples in under-voiced communities!

  • Archangel

    Your $500 will give wings to:

    The inspired performance and recording of one lead vocalist, two back up vocalists, and solo instrumental musicians of one song!

  • Guardian Angels

    Your $250 will give wings to:

    The central spine of the whole project. One day of magic in the studio with Rebecca and 3-time Grammy winning producer Tom Wassinger!

  • Earth Angels

    Your $100 will give wings to:

    The grassroots traction of making the whole project possible. Together we are strong and can move mountains!

  • Snow Angels

    Your $50 will give wings to:

    The beauty and power of each unique snowflake of individual collaborators gathering together to create magical, transformational music and change!

  • Tooth Fairies

    Your $25 will give wings to:

    The infinite light of positive messaging and music through outreach programs, writing sessions, stellar performance, recording, and promotional streams brought to all people all over the world!

  • Cherubs

    Your recurring contribution will give wings to:

    The daily life stream of the whole project! You are the wind beneath Sanctuary’s wings!